Este iate Packard Land personalizado já foi percorrido pela Europa com modelos para anunciar trajes de banho

28 de janeiro de 2025
1 min de leitura

In 1946, French clothing designer Louis Réard, who also had a background in automobile engineering, invented the modern two-piece bikini. To promote his new swimwear design, he utilized his automotive expertise to create a unique advertising vehicle resembling a land-faring yacht.

Réard commissioned esteemed coachbuilder Henri Chapron to transform a 1937 Packard Super Eight chassis into this “Land Yacht.” The vehicle featured various nautical elements, including a bow-shaped front, portholes, navigation lights, flags, and mooring cleats. Réard sent a group of women in bikinis on the road with this vehicle during the Tour de France cycling race, captivating the crowds lining the course. The car then toured extensively throughout France and much of Europe, showcasing bikini-clad models in the back, though outside France, many people considered them scandalous.

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